We reached the Scrub Road track at approximately 3:30pm and began the descent through the dense eyucalypt and dry rainforest u

We reached the creek after 4:00pm and noticed that there was a decent looking swimming hole downstream from where the road crosses the creek. The water was very chilly
but crystal clear.
The road began an immediate ascent out of the valley. The forest began to thin and move into open sclarphyl forest spotted with many beautiful eyucalypts.
We found the Lander’s Pocket Campsite easily and set up our tents for the night. We were not aware that there would be a shelter shed and water tank. There was also an open fire pit and hot plate.
I cooked minestrone soup for entree and we had a traditional Backcountry Honey Soy Chicken with fried rice for dinner.
There was a considerable amount of wind overnight and a bright moon.
Monday 8 June 2009 we woke reasonably early. Cooked porridge for breakfast. I did not know that Chris does not like porridge, however, it was the best open fire cooked porridge that I have ever tasted.
Walked out via the same track not wanting to bush bash through the tick scrub on the proposed route (marked on the map in light orange). There were many mountain bikers out in the park as we walked back to the car. We were back in The Gap by 9:00am, ready for Gang Show dress rehearsal.
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