Thursday, March 25, 2010

Joey Visit

On Thursday 25th March, Kerry and I joined the St John's Wood Joey Scouts for their 'Australian Animals' night. The aim was to teach the Joeys something about us, and learn something from them for part of our Squire training.

After the opening parade, we played a kookaburra relay, which involved the Joeys walking quickly from the start of the line to about eight metres away where Kerry and I were standing to 'catch' a worm to eat, in other words, using a fork being held by their teeth to grab a lolly from the ground, then they quickly walked back and another Joey came out to 'catch' a worm. The fact that the lollies were briefly on the ground didn't stop the Joeys from eating them!

Then we headed inside where the Joeys cut out and decorated Australian animals. Some required our help cutting out the animals as the goannas had small feet and the echidnas had many spikes. This is when Matt and Travis joined us.

While we waited for the Joeys to finish their creations, we discovered that we would be singing 'Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport' next, Travis tried to make a wobble board, but the piece of wood was too thick, so Matt used his orange pipe didgeridoo as a musical accompaniment instead, which the Joeys enjoyed. The song was played a couple of times, and by the end, the Joeys were able to sing the chorus and identify the animals in the song.

Next, the Rovers ran a game. The Joeys stood in a line side-by-side and we asked them questions about themselves and Australian animals and depending on their answer, they took one, two, three steps forward or even one step back. The aim was to get every Joey from one side of the room to the other.

The night ended with a story about how the kangaroo got its pouch, final parade and Joeys running around like crazy kids like they did at the start of the night!

I think the Joeys enjoyed our company and I know the Leaders appreciated it!

- Rachel -

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