Friday, April 30, 2010

Banana Bash

The crew joined this year's Banana Bash without a car - but that was A-O-K with us! Much cheaper, and the fun was all still there. Almost 100% of crew members were there.

The funniest moment of the weekend came when Chris' Greener's
camping chair broke. In typical Chris Greener fashion, he went about trying to fix it... Without much success.

That's Saint ingenuity if I ever saw it. Why this man isn't an engineer I have no idea.

Along with Chris' chair escapades, St John's Wood was mainly involved in Administration tasks and Beverage Appreciation. While there are currently no plans to have a car ready for next year (it is an expensive task, and we do not have the skillset), we will definitely be there in person next year. A pretty fun weekend in total.

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